Confidence is a Choice

How to awaken the Lion inside you

Frank McKinley
5 min readJul 1, 2019
Photo by Jack Cain on Unsplash

When I was growing up, I thought that confidence was something you were born with.

No one told me that confidence is a choice. Or if anyone did, I didn’t listen. Such is the power of belief.

So naturally, I thought that I would never have it.

The day my inner lion came out

My mother told me that one day a friend came over and took something from me.

Instantly, I came to life and wrestled whatever it was from him, not settling for letting him get away with it.

She said she’d never seen me do anything like that before.

That’s pretty surprising for someone who normally had no confidence whatsoever.

But that day I chose to use it, in this instance.


Because someone took what was rightfully mine. A friend! Really? Why on earth would a friend rob me to my face?

Friends don’t do that to friends.

I decided right then I would be the judge who set things right. So I went after what was mine with all the energy I had. Danger? What danger? I didn’t care. I had a mission to accomplish and by God, I was going to.



Frank McKinley

I like to figure things out and share what I find. My favorite topics are faith, communication, business, and personal growth.