Member-only story
Want to Guarantee a Happier New Year?
This word will help you rock it from day one
2019 was a hard year for me.
Two friends died far too young. One I worked with. The other I knew from church.
Our dog Jake died suddenly one summer day in July.
I visited my grandmother. She’s 102 years old. She’s happy and reasonably healthy. But her mind is not what it was. I know one day soon we’ll say our final goodbyes.
It seems that as soon as we finish grieving for one thing, another moves in to wreck our happiness.
If all that death wasn’t enough, a few of the business opportunities I pursued fell through. I know that’s the nature of the writing business, but enough is enough.
Life broke my vision for a perfect year into a million pieces.
Humpty Dumpty had better odds.
Throwing the old word out the window
I grew up wanting to be perfect.
I wanted good grades.
I wanted to stay out of trouble.
I wanted to be happy all the time.
Who sold me that fantasy?